the most wonderful feeling in the world is passion!when you have passion for something , it feels like you can conquer the world! this is the medium for me and my passion in writing.. cat : kalo lagi nggak passionate, normal ya kalo lama nggak nulis... [itu passion atau mood ya?]

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Me! according to the book..

This is my first post in ::gurilapgurilem:: , which is hasil upgrade copy paste dari blog abal abal sebelumnya. But I think it shows quite the ‘real’ me.. Lagian kata produserkyu tercinta.. orang- orang selalu suka ngomongin soal dirinya sendiri…hihihi.. so, here goes…

Konon, menurut buku 'The hidden world of birthdays’ by Judith Turner [fyi, buku ini penting banget buat semua orang! You should read this too] people who are born on October 31st have these characteristics ...

"Everybody around you will feel nurtured by you in one way or another [but in one condition..aku harus ngerasa nyaman dulu.. dan proses menuju nyaman nya.. yah bisa dibilang.. relatif lah ya.. ]
Your low self-esteem worsens as you get older [hope not!] so you should decide to conquer it now.
You see education as a tool to help yourself and others [ i looove formal education! But only the formal education in a challenging environment ya! ]

You're lucky in love and have secure relationships [so far? Insya Allah… nyuhunkeun pidua’na ka sadaya..] Love whoever you want, but be yourself [hmmm…menggangguk-anggukan kepala] You start life being dependent on others and only latter discover your inner strength.[semakin tua harus jadi semakin matang bukan?] That's why so many others depend on you.[I always knew that deep down inside..haha!] However, someone loyal and devoted as you usually isn't such a good flirt [aku ga pernah suka konsep ‘pacaran’ di jaman ABG dulu… I think it’s such a waste of time! Manusia kan diciptakan berpasang- pasangan, jadi yakin sudah disediakan untuk kita. Tunggu saja… the right man in the right place and the right time will show up my friend!]

You may become more involved in strenuous physical activities such as long distance running as you get older [hmm..ask me in another..say..10 years?]
Seeks jobs in which you can continually grow in knowledge and responsibility. You would do well as a researcher, teacher or a child care provider [been working in a child care business..Di hari pertamaku bekerja, aku ‘membersihkan’ poop a really adorable child.. dan membersihkan puke nya anak lain di hari yang lain. Latter, I found out that semua ‘miss’ & ‘mr’ yang ada disana tidak pernah melakukan hal itu , padahal mereka sudah disana rata- rata 2 tahunan.. hmm.. naif atau keibuan ya? Hehehe]
You may even want to write or work either side of a camera at one point. [kadang narsis-kadang pemalu.. so?]

Some type of fame finds you in this life time ; your name will be printed in books... though maybe in small print [untuk yang ini..ask me in another..say..5 years? Hehehe]

So.. that’s just a few tiny bit about me..
next.. aku akan mencoba ‘mewujudkan’ ramalannya Judith Turner about me-wanting to write at one point.. hiehiehie...


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